Wednesday, May 19, 2010

cooling nights

how cold has it been these past nights! I've got some aches that are making me poke my legs out for human-rubbing (good old humans).... simon and riley (with VERY useful assistance from kate and luka)have built a fancy new fence up near simon's workshop.. I hope it is just for the little lady and not to contain me! I AM AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN!

Kate has been away lots at work these last two weeks. She sometimes goes before I even wake up in the morning and comes back after dark. That's four days in a row I hardly see her. I miss her after having such a nice long time of being together ALL the time, like we should be. I need extra love to feel okay with her away all day and have been sneaking onto the big bed most nights, very comfy, I must say.

Rumour has it that Maggie is coming to stay on Sunday. I hope she's nice and not just a pesky ankle biter. I will put her in her place. More news when there is some.

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