Wednesday, May 26, 2010



Maggie is taking over our lives... I've tried ignoring her and focussing all my attention on the humans but she just won't go away. I was locked inside with her yesterday for two three- hour stints. Can you imagine? Luckily I can use my superior size and strength to go through the swing door to the lounge. It will be a sad day when she is big enough to follow.

I have lots of pictures to show you but can't download from iPhone... I am sure Kate will work it out for me. Speaking of Kate, funny how since Maggie came home she doesn't seem to be around any more. She calls her excuse 'work'. If she didn't keep bringing children here to love me in the therapy room each week I don't think it would be quite so easy to forgive her.

Luckily Simon is around a bit more... Although he keeps disappearing into the workshop to wrestle with monsters. He must be magical - they make such horrible loud noises but always he emerges unharmed, if a little dusty. Think I'd rather be followed around by mag 24-7 than have to go into that scary world.



thursday morning- mag takes advantage of sleeping humans to drag her bone upstairs

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

cooling nights

how cold has it been these past nights! I've got some aches that are making me poke my legs out for human-rubbing (good old humans).... simon and riley (with VERY useful assistance from kate and luka)have built a fancy new fence up near simon's workshop.. I hope it is just for the little lady and not to contain me! I AM AN INDEPENDENT WOMAN!

Kate has been away lots at work these last two weeks. She sometimes goes before I even wake up in the morning and comes back after dark. That's four days in a row I hardly see her. I miss her after having such a nice long time of being together ALL the time, like we should be. I need extra love to feel okay with her away all day and have been sneaking onto the big bed most nights, very comfy, I must say.

Rumour has it that Maggie is coming to stay on Sunday. I hope she's nice and not just a pesky ankle biter. I will put her in her place. More news when there is some.