Friday, April 23, 2010

the first day of the rest of my life

I don't know whether to be sad or excited... yesterday was a big day full of goods and bads.

First thing and worst thing was going to the vet. I don't know why we have to keep on going there... it terrifies me. I spent a good 30 minutes in full shiver mode... and they didn't even do anything except feel my lumps, listen to my heart and talk lots. I just don't trust those vets. and I don't trust my mum when she's with them.
Turns out I'm as good as any 16-or-so year old dog could be and the medications I am on are right and the amount of walking etc is right, so we are all good.

and we got to go for a delightful walk down merricks beach as an after-treat.

There's this other thing that's been playing on my mind. Mum's friend is super excited to be getting a new puppy soon... hers is Bindi, and she showed mum lots of pictres of the day Bindi and her sisters were born and now I think my mum might be getting one. She tells me that she is getting ME a puppy, but I am not so sure... old age check ups at the vet for me and suddenly she's all clucky for a new improved model (more hairy, that's for sure)

The mother dog's called Ali (a little too close to my name for my liking) and her real name is Maggie. This pup we are considering is named Maggie after her mother, because she is most like her in personality... and everyone says Ali is the most sweet lovely dog (obviously goes with the name)
It all depends if someone else is going to buy little Maggie, who rumour has it is th e most sweet, gentle pup of all... or else I get a little baby of my own... shall keep you posted.

Anyhoo, we are off to the country today to see my cousins Midge and Lottie (I don't really love Lottie but Midge is awesome)... so I'll talk to you after the long weekend (lest we forget, thank you soldiers, and sorry!)

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